Been craving a cheesy good Haji Ali sandwich and @ladismithcheese just amps up the flavour. Haji Ali sandwiches8-10 slices of bread1.5 cups of mixed grated @ladismithcheese – mozzarella and mature cheddargreen chutney1-2 cups spicy mashed potatoSliced red onionChopped Tomato – optional To garnish:SevChaat masalaPomegranate …
I tried this recipe that has been shared on WhatsApp groups all over and I think originally on the @sofraistanbulsa page. Cheezas – duas for the old couple who shared the recipe ♥️ I made some adjustments because the mayo was too …
Listen, try it. Do any variation that works for you and your grocery cupboard. You won’t be sorry ? Watch it hereThen eat. Credit: can’t remember ??
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