Quick Mix Pound Cake

They say it’s pound cake because you use a pound of butter. but my recipe uses a quarter pound for one loaf. If you want four loaves, use a whole pound…hahahaha
I generally double this recipe but have never ventured into doing x 4 in one dish at a time. I would rather do the double recipe twice because I don’t have a bowl big enough AND I use a hand mixer. My poor arms would die with a quadrupled recipe.

Something was always baking in the oven on a Friday afternoon, I can never forget how delicious home smelt on Friday afternoon in preparation for the weekend, nani always baked something sweet and the tradition continued with mum, and now as mum gets older and I’m in my own home, I feel I need to do it for my kids. Because I work full time, it’s going to have to be Friday evenings I guess.
There is something sage about these memories ♥️ I hope to create beautiful ones for my kids too.
Quick Mix Pound Cake by @fehmz
Source: Nani’s memory
I don’t own nor invented this recipe, I always double this recipe.
You will need:
1/4 lb butter (that’s 125g)
1 tblsp oil
3/4 cup castor sugar
3 large eggs
2 & 1/2 tsp baking powder (@royalbakingpowdersa is honestly the best)
1 & 3/4 cup flour
2/3 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
Preheat oven to 180degrees.
Beat the butter, oil and castor sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and beat again after each addition.
Sift the flour and baking powder together in a bowl.
Add the vanilla essence to the milk.
Now alternate adding the flour and milk into your batter, beating between each edition. You can do it in 3 batches.
Pour into a greased (and lined if you want) loaf-shaped baking tin and bake in the oven until it turns a golden brown on the top and cracks. Test it to make sure it’s done by inserting a clean skewer or knife into the cake, if it comes out clean, it’s done!
Take a deep breath in to smell how delicious your kitchen smells.
Take the loaf pans out and place on a cool surface for a while.
When cool to the touch, turn over to release your cake. (You can run a knife along the inside edges if you want to make sure it won’t stick)
Let it cool completely on a wire rack.
Decorate as desired. We simply slice and enjoy!
P.S. Quick tip: Always slice cake with a serrated knife #fehmz#bakeitroyal#fehmzinyourgram#fehmzbakes#poundcake